There is something very beautiful about a fresh new snowfall, even if it's in the Spring. The best part about a spring snow is that is disappears pretty quickly, even if there is a foot of it. Took a few pictures of it just standing at the doorway, which looks just like many other snow pictures I have taken before. We have a pretty new car which is the color of the snow. We drove and read about lots of cars and we think we made a good decision with the one we purchased, especially living in Colorado and eventually moving back to Boone. The Subaru has all wheel drive and lots of safety features that impressed us.
Having the foot injury, I have spent a good bit of my time reading and pondering. I have taken for granted so many things in my life and have not stood up for what I believed sometimes (probably because I wasn't sure what I really believed). I read a children's book recently about Dinosaurs. Byrum seems to enjoy talking about and reading about them so I just wanted to see some views about when they actually lived. I know, that no one really knows, but this theory was pretty interesting to me. It came from the Institute of Creation Research. Some scientists think that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, but the Bible tells us that God made the dinosaurs on the six of Creation week, only thousands of years ago. I read in Job, Chapter 40 about huge monsters that lived at the time of Job. Could this have been dinosaurs?
The Truth Project has been very interesting especially to Sam but this last week, was defintely my favorite so far. The lesson was titled: The American Experiment: Stepping Stones. We talked about the early educational system which instilled principles of Biblical Christianity. Biblical doctrine and prayer were essential to education. The end conclusion of this study was that our hope is: Light always overtakes darkness
I have been reading "Fearless" by Max Lucado and a few little notes from the book are:
Feed your fears, and your faith will starve. Feed your faith, and your fears will.
Storms are not an option, but fear is.
God has hung his diplomas in the universe. Rainbows, sunsets, horizons, and star sequined skies.
I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)
I will end with this little quote from Eleonor Roosevelt (That is who Ellie is named after, by the way)
"A woman is like a tea bag. It's only when she is in hot water that you realize how strong she is"