Friday, May 21, 2010

Count your Blessings

tablecloth made from old hankerchiefs

"Count your blessings, name them one by one".....I have so many, and today was a day with many blessings to count. Our prayer group, Jane, Eulalie,Leslie, Suzanne & myself decided to have a Tea Luncheon for some ladies. What a Blessing! Enjoyed all the conversation of where they were born, how they met their husbands, just listening to them and just taking it all in and learning from them. Jane hosted our little luncheon in her beautiful home. (Talking about a hostess with the mostess.....she is it!). What a wonderful month so far...getting to spend time with my family and then spend time with some of the most wonderful women I have ever met.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Little Cousins and brothers and sisters

I am getting settled again in Colorado but thinking a lot about my trip to North Carolina. It was so wonderful getting to spend time with all of my children and grandchildren. One thing that I noticed while visiting was the love the grandchildren have for each other and for their other cousins too. I have so many special memories growing up being close to my cousins. Will, Ellie, Byrum, Mia and Ben are establishing those special times together which they will remember fondly.