Monday, January 28, 2013


It has been a while since writing, and I will have to change my title of the blog since I am not living in Colorado, but today as I was reading from a book about trusting God in uncertain times and scripture, I am thinking about fear and how I let fear freeze me in my tracks way to often.  I know the verse in Psalm 56:3 says "When I am afraid, I will trust in you."  I think about that verse often and repeat it often, but today I am thinking about how when we translate Father "Abba" or "Daddy" in Romans 8:15, our God who is tender with us.

It reminds me of my earthly Daddy and an experience I had the day I got my drivers license.  My Dad and Mom couldn't take me to get my license the day that I wanted to go, so I talked my Aunt Margaret into going with me.  The good thing was, I GOT MY LICENSE! Maybe a block away from the DMV, I turned a corner too short and side swiped another car that was parked.  I didn't damage the car that I hit, but put a pretty large dent and scratch on the passenger side rear door. 

I was so upset, and my Aunt was very calm and reassuring and even still, I was very afraid of what my Daddy was going to do to me when he got home from work.  When I am afraid and upset, I cry (a lot) and I cried, and paced the floor, cried, very fearful of what my punishment was going to be after wrecking the car the very first day that I got my drivers license.  All afternoon I was frozen in fear of that moment when my Daddy would walk through the door after getting off work to punish me for wrecking the car.  I am sure my eyes were almost swollen shut from crying so much.  Was he going to take my license away and never let me drive again....what would he do to me......After talking to Daddy once he saw the damage to the car and seeing me, he simply said to me:  "I think, Peggy, that you have punished yourself enough over this.  That is punishment enough".  My Daddy was so tender and compassionate and loved me!  I know God loves me through my fear, anxiety and doubts that I have.  He wants me to trust Him and lean on Him.

God will never give me up.  He will never desert me.  Although my earthly Daddy is not with me now, and living with my Heavenly Father, he taught me many important lessons through his short life on earth.

Trusting God today and working on that "fear" thing.