Friday, June 11, 2010

The familiar sounds of swim team practice

Having a boot on my foot is making me slow down a little and figure out things to do while sitting down. It's funny, when you are busy, you want to have that time to sit down and read, or write, scrapbook, crochet, or just watch TV, but when you have the time to do those things, you want to be busy. Anyway....I am trying to not waste too much time while having to sit. This morning while drinking coffee and eating cereal, I listened to the sounds outside. The sound that brought back special memories were sounds from the swimming pool for swim team practice. Practice starts early for them and I could hear them cheering each other on. I could just picture the children just dragging out of bed getting to the pool with hair uncombed, trying to wake up, not sure if they wanted to get in that cool water or not. Although I have never been a swimmer, I am so thankful that John, Jason and Sharon learned to swim and don't have a fear of water. Have some special memories of Swim Teams, some good and some not so good.

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