Saturday, July 10, 2010

Thinking of all of the special birthday's

Guess I am feeling a little sorry for myself today as all the family except for me and Sam are celebrating together today in honor of Mia who is two years old today.
It began with Denise, then Dusty, then Will, Marcie, Mama and Mia. Thank goodness there is internet so that I can see pictures and video's of these special events.

Thinking about each one of them and how much they mean to me.

Sam and I were so happy to welcome her into our family as our first daughter in law. A beautiful person inside and out.
Another happy occasion welcoming him into our family as our first and only son in law.
A kind and generous person. A wonderful husband to our daughter and Mia and Ben are so fortunate to have him as their Dad.
Our first little grandbaby. What a special day that was celebrating with all of Denise's family and ours and born on a special holiday too! How you have grown so fast...already 12 years old. Will, you are so loving and kind.
A special aunt who has given me lots of love. A person who has sacrificed a lot for others.
No nonsense type of person who taught me how to take care of a home.
Remembering that Christmas Eve when we were first in Colorado hearing those words that we were going to be blessed with another grandbaby. How beautiful and special you are, and just love getting to see all of your many faces and expressions you make.

Anyway...Happy Birthday to all of you. PawPaw and Meme loves you very much and we miss getting to share these special times with you.

When I think about how time passes so quickly I want to add this little poem about "fleeting years"

Dishes and dusting can wait till tomorrow
For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow
So quiet down cobwebs, and dust go to sleep
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

I can't really feel sorry for myself as I know that God is so good to us and has blessed our family! "O Lord, our Lord, how majectic is your name in all the earth!

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