Monday, December 20, 2010

Thinking about some of my favorite Christmas songs

As I was out and about today in the Christmas hustle and bustle, I heard one of my favorite Christmas songs. I remember the first time I heard it. I can't remember which Poteat child it was that sang it, but it was a Mulberry and it brought tears to my eyes then and still does today. "Happy Birthday, Jesus. I'm so glad it's Christmas. All the tinsel and lights and the presents are nice but the real gift is you......Jesus, I love you.

I have many favorites from throughout the years and have many sweet memories of John Denver Christmas as our children were young. As a child, recalling Christmas music, I think about Away In a Manager and Silent Night. I probably never knew all of the words, but I liked "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"

Guess I am slowing down a little now with Christmas coming in just a few days. All the packages have been mailed and Christmas cards sent. Time to think about all the wonderful memories throughout the years.

Happy Birthday Jesus, Jesus, I love you.....

1 comment:

  1. How funny you wrote this, I was just thinking this morning that there is a song on that Chris Tomlin cd you sent us called "Born That We May Have Life" that's become one of my favorites this year. It's been a while since I've found a new Christmas song I just love, and I could listen to that one over and over again!
