Sunday, January 9, 2011

"Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" and other thoughts!

Can you see the snowflakes in the picture?

I can't explain it, but I have had that song in my head all day long! Why????? It's not Christmas anymore, and that wasn't really one of my favorite Christmas songs anyway. Maybe because it is snowing? Anyway...enough said about that.

I was thinking a lot lately about Grandmommie, (Sam's Mom) who is recovering from hip surgery due to a fall. We do share a love for bargains and just thinking back years ago, how she supplied us with so many of her bargains. I can look around today in our home and see some of the treasures she got for us. She was so much help as John, Jason & Sharon were growing up. She knew what they liked and if something they liked came in at the Sears Surplus store, they were in luck! (Star Wars stuff, Remote Control Stuff, Cabbage Patch, Barbee's, Hot Wheels, Transformers, etc...) Sharon's first cabbage patch doll when they were very difficult to find..(Thanks, to Grandmommie). Anyway, I know she misses getting out hunting for bargains. Feel better soon!

I took a few pictures of our beautiful snowfall. You have seen many pictures of snow since we have lived here and these are no different from any of the rest, but snow is beautiful when it's falling. So clean, so quiet, until the snow plow comes flying down the road...then so loud, and making our snow dirty.

On another note, our Sunday School lesson was on "humility". What do you think Humility means? Is there someone that you think about when you hear that word.

Oh, I forgot, I haven't eaten anything in the last thirty minutes. Guess I had better go and grab another handfull of M & M's.

"Grandma got run over by a reindeer".......

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