Our visits to North Carolina are always so special! Everyday was busy and wonderful. (I have to say some of the days helping Mama move was not wonderful, but defintely busy. Some of the highlights were enjoying the beautiful blooming trees and flowers. I can't believe it, but I didn't take any pictures of Jason and Ashley's yard with the beautiful blooms everywhere. The trees in Lola's yard and John and Denise's were very pretty too. I captured some of the springlike weather in Boone, (snow, freezing rain, wind) but had a great time inside playing with Mia and Ben. So many things happened while I was there. Some of the highlights were: Mia discovering Granny Helen's lipstick stash. Going to the goat farm and Mia naming a baby goat, Dusty and feeding the chickens and collecting eggs. Going to visit Grandmommie and getting a little lost on the way there. Taking Mia to gymnastics, watching Ben play pat a cake and teaching him to say "Bye Bye" and to wave. Watching Mia changing from baby Mia, Lucy, Princess Mia, Cinderella, (I was "Her Majesty"), Ballarina. (Also taught Ben to eat little bits of bread....think he is going to like "big people" food)
Visiting with John and Denise and spending a special day with Will and a special day with Ellie, going to two rock concerts, going to church with Lola. ( I think Will is a bargain shopper like his Meme. ) Getting to go to "Build a Bear" with Ellie and seeing all the fun stuff you can do there. Enjoying the movie "Gnomeo and Juliet".
Getting to see Byrum and Jason at soccer practice. Byrum can't wait to hear about the games! Got some special time with sweet Eli. Enjoying all that time getting to hold him, and just love on him. Having special lunches with Byrum and strolling Eli to pick up Byrum from school.
As I am writing this, so many more things are coming to my mind. Guess I will continue on other blogs some of the other interesting things that happened.
Guess one of the things that was very special to me while visiting was the conversations I had with my children and their spouses. Being able to share your thoughts and hear them talk about their walk with the Lord is so special to me. Just counting my blessings today............
Great pictures, I hadn't gotten to see all of those. The one of John, Denise, Lola and Will and Ellie is really good, but I would have to say my favorite is the one of Byrum and Mia in the dog crate. Miss you!