Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Confused about the seasons....but I have to remember I'm in Colorado

Finally, this past week, we have enjoyed some beautiful days to open the windows and feel a little spring and a taste of summer. Sam and I walked yesterday in shorts (for Sam) and no jacket for Peggy. During the night, we heard all sorts of things going on and woke up this morning with snow on the ground. We defintely need this moisture and it gives me an excuse to stay inside and catch up on reading. (So many books, so little time.....)

Thought I would add a few of the tidbits that I have written down from books read recently:

Most of the time life is tough. So in those times of stress and doubt and pain, you need to hear the words, "Be still and know that I am God". Psalm 46:10

If Christ lives in me, and Christ has died for my sins and the sins of others, how can I be unforgiving of someone who has hurt me. Forgiveness is not an option. It is a mandate and failure to forgive is disobedience to the one who died for us.

Sam read this book first and then I read it. The Faith by Charles Colson
When I was home last, some of our conversations were about the emergent church. A note from this book was this: The emerging church movement, understanding the way an audience thinks does not mean converting to the way that audience thinks, especially at the expense of Truth. Some believe that church should give up on doctrional teaching and even on the Bible for the sake of presenting Christianity as a big picture story in which all of our individual stories and experiences can find their meaning. It conveniently excuses us from saying some of the hard things love must sometimes say.

There are always optimists and pessimists in the world. The optimists are always trying to do good things and the pessimists are always wringing their hands in despair. But the Christian is the only one with a balanced view. A pessimist because he knows that this is a fallen world and things do need fixing but an optimist because he knows that God is all powerfull in charge and that all things therefore can be fixed.

Don't accumulate possessions; accumulate experiences!

Neurologically speaking when we study scripture, we are literally upgrading our minds by downloading the mind of Christ.

All of these are copied from books but each quote spoke to me and just thought I would share them with you.

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