Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mia's first day in Colorado

Yesterday we got up at 5:00am and drove to Raleigh to catch our 11:10 flight to Colorado. After spending 3 hours in the car Mia was more than happy to walk around at the airport. Our flight was on time and there were lots of kids on the flight around Mia's age and younger so that made Sharon feel better. She fell asleep after takeoff and then I decided to try to move her so it was a short "nap." After that Sam, Sharon and I took turns keeping her entertained along with her new buddy Reagan. Since the flight was kind of bumpy she couldn't get up and walk around. It was challenging, but she did pretty well considering she had been up early and hadn't taken a nap. We were all very tired once we got home and Mia and Sharon were ready to go to bed early. Then last night it snowed and today's high has been around 20 so it hasn't been good weather to go anywhere, but Sharon and I took Mia outside anyways. 20 minutes to get everything on to brave the cold and snow and 5 minutes outside because Mia didn't like it...we managed to get a couple pictures before bringing her back inside. So that is Mia's first 24 hours in Colorado. Stay tuned for more.

Our "Carryon" Luggage

A short nap

Looking out the window

Not too happy about the cold

Still not happy about the cold

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